Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Almond Archive
Episode Number 57
World World 10 (CCR)
Levels 831-845
New features link = White Chocolate  2-layered White Chocolate
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Almond Archive is the fifty-seventh episode of Candy Crush Saga: Candies Revenge.

New things

  • White Chocolate (link = White Chocolate  2-layered White Chocolate) are introduced. This blocker is the stronger version of normal chocolate. They have up to 2 layers. They can spread 2 normal chocolate piece (open one more space for chocolate and regrow a piece of them) in a single move you don't clear.


Almond Archive contains levels 831-845. This is reference to Nougat Noir. There are 3 somewhat hard-hard levels, 832, 842, and 844, 3 very hard levels, 833, 837, and 843, and 2 insanely hard levels, 836 and 843. Overall, this episode is harder than the previous, Pastille Prison, and much harder than Nougat Noir.

Moves Levels Jelly Levels Ingredients Levels Hybrid Levels Candy Order Levels Blocker levels icon 2 Pipeline levels Jelly Colour Icon (Alpha)
1 7 4 1 2 - - -
The easiest :
Level 835
The hardest :
Level 836
2 Colors 3 Colors 4 Colors 5 Colors 6 Colors
0 0 5 10 0
Hexagon icon Hardcore Levels (Navy blue level is marked as Super Hard Level)
Jelly Levels 833 Jelly Levels 836 Jelly Levels 837 Hybrid Levels 843 Moves Levels 845

 Difficulty coding

Very EasyEasySomewhat EasyMediumSomewhat HardHardVery HardExtremely HardNearly ImpossibleVariable

 Note that goals include target score.

1 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0
Level Type Moves Target Score Goal Candy Colors Difficulty
831 Candy Order Levels 35 30,000 Green Candy: 100   Red Candy: 100
Purple Candy: 100
5 Medium
832 Jelly Levels 30 110,000 Double Jelly: 9 4 Somewhat Hard
833 Jelly Levels 39 50,000 Single Jelly: 15   Double Jelly: 9 5 Very Hard
834 Jelly Levels 34 100,000 Double Jelly: 56 5 Somewhat Easy
835 Jelly Levels 35 100,000 Double Jelly: 64 4 Very Easy
836 Jelly Levels 50 10,000 Single Jelly: 4   Double Jelly: 5 5 Insanely Hard
837 Jelly Levels 37 6,000 Single Jelly: 6 5 Very Hard
838 Ingredients Levels 20 20,000 Cherry: 2 4 Somewhat Easy
839 Ingredients Levels 40 60,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5 Medium
840 Jelly Levels 32 50,000 Double Jelly: 24 4 Medium
841 Ingredients Levels 46 60,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5 Somewhat Easy
842 Candy Order Levels 45 45,000 Color bomb (trans): 11   Striped Candy + Color Bomb Combination: 3 5 Somewhat Hard
843 Hybrid Levels 49 120,000 Double Jelly: 44
Cherry: 1
Yellow Candy: 100   Purple Candy: 100
5 Very Hard
844 Ingredients Levels 40 30,000 Cherry: 3 4 Somewhat Hard
845 Moves Levels 27 2,000 1-star score: 2,000 pts 5 Insanely Hard

