Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki

The bobber is a blocker which appears in some fanons and originates from Candy Crush Saga.


  • The bobber is indestructible.
  • It does not block special candy effects.
  • The bobber spawns one jelly fish when hit by special candies and three jelly fish when hit with special candy combinations.
  • The jelly fish spawned from the bobber will target blockers in levels without jelly, unlike regular jelly fish in the main game (though some fanons have jelly fish which target blockers as well).


  • Bobbers first appear in Level 1001, in the 66th episode.


Bobbers first appear in Level 301 and they behave the same as in the original game.

Candy Crush Special Saga[]


Jelly Bobber

  • Regular bobbers, jam bobbers, jelly bobbers, and mystery bobbers appear. Jelly bobbers act like regular bobbers, but they can spawn Jellied Fish. There are 6 types of jam bobber, one for each colour. Mystery bobbers yield a random jelly fish or fish-related candy when activated. Mystery bobbers can yield:
    • Regular jelly fish (any colour)
    • Special jelly fish (any colour)
    • Jellied fish
    • Special jellied fish
    • Coloured jellied fish (only colours which spawn naturally)
    • Jelly Fish Bomb

hhhjk's candy crush saga[]

on hhkCCS bobber appear really early becuase it appear on level 166. this work like in original game


In CCR, bobbers make the first debut at level 1461, the first level of Wonky Wasteland. This blocker has the exactly same properties as in original CCS.

