Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Truffle Tower (CCR)
Episode Number 48
World World 8
Levels 696-710
New features Ingredients Bombs (Formerly)
Difficulty Hard
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Creamy Cottage Gingerbread Graveyard

Truffle Tower (CCR) is the forty-eighth episode of Candy Crush Saga: Candies Revenge.

New things

  • Now some ingredients levels have the ingredients bombs. You have to bring them down before the counter counts 0. (Similar to candy bombs.) Now this feature is going to be removed from the game.


This episode contain levels 696 to 710. This episode is a reference to Toffee Tower. This episode breaks the trend to have a low amount of Jelly levels; there are six!

Moves Levels Jelly Levels Ingredients Levels Hybrid Levels Candy Order Levels Blocker levels icon 2 Pipeline levels Jelly Colour Icon (Alpha)
0 6 4 2 3 - - -
The easiest :
Level 710
The hardest :
Level 703
2 Colors 3 Colors 4 Colors 5 Colors 6 Colors
0 0 3 10 1
Hexagon icon Hardcore Levels (Navy blue level is marked as Super Hard Level)
Jelly Levels 699 Jelly Levels 700 Jelly Levels 702 Jelly Levels 703 Candy Order Levels 708

 Difficulty coding

Very EasyEasySomewhat EasyMediumSomewhat HardHardVery HardExtremely HardNearly ImpossibleVariable

 Note that goals include target score.

0 2 1 4 4 1 0 3 0 0
Level Type Moves Target Score Goal Candy Colors Notes
696 Candy Order Levels 100 150,000 Yellow Candy: 200   Striped2 (trans): 100
Striped Candy + Striped Candy Combination: 10
697 Candy Order Levels 40 10,000 Green Candy: 100 5
698 Jelly Levels 35 80,000 Single Jelly: 64 5
699 Jelly Levels 28 150,000 Double Jelly: 58 5
700 Jelly Levels 24 150,000 Double Jelly: 60 4
701 Hybrid Levels 30 20,000 Double Jelly: 64
Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3
702 Jelly Levels 36 200,000 Double Jelly: 63 6
703 Jelly Levels 25 90,000 Double Jelly: 43 5
704 Hybrid Levels 27 50,000 Cherry: 3
Orange Candy: 60   Candy Frog: 2
705 Ingredients Levels 25 20,000 Hazelnut: 1  Cherry: 1 4
706 Jelly Levels 27 100,000 Single Jelly: 79 5
707 Ingredients Levels 42 100,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5
708 Candy Order Levels 35 40,000 Multilayered Icing: 120 5
709 Ingredients Levels 35 120,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5
710 Ingredients Levels 25 30,000 Cherry: 3 5

