Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Insaneworld Past Versions
Level 1209
CCR Level 1209
Episode Pastry Planet
Level type Blocker levels icon 2
Moves Moves-35
Target score 1-star score: 10,000 pts
Blockers Licorice Swirl  Double Licorice Swirl  Triple Licorice Swirl
Blockers Requirement Licorice Swirl
Other features Conveyor Belt
Number of
candy colors
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
Number of spaces 53
Difficulty Very Hard
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Mixed icon blocker levels Candy Order Icon
Level 1208 Level 1209 Level 1210

Level 1209 (CCR) is the fourth level in Pastry Planet (CCR) and the 40th Blocker level in Candy Crush Saga: Candies Revenge. To pass this level, you must clear all licorice swirl(s) and score at least 10,000 points in 35 moves or fewer. When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.


  • With 6 colors, it is not easy to make cascades and create special candies.
  • The objective is to clear all licorice swirls (including 2 and 3-layer ones) in 35 moves, which is not an easy task.
  • The conveyor belt can make it easier since they can shift the swirls to the main part of the board and vice versa.
  • The player is required to earn at least 300 points per move.[1][2]


One-Star: 10,000 points

Two Stars: 15,000 points

All-Stars: 18,000 points


Board Info

CCR Level 1209 Notes
  • Orange line(s) show where the candies spawn.
  • Arrows (↑,↓,←,→) indicate the direction which the conveyor belts move towards.

Miscellaneous Info

  1. 10,000 points / 35 moves = 285.714 points per move
  2. In practice, you can get many more points in Sugar Crush, decreasing the amount of points need to be earned per move.