Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
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Level 1588
CCR Level 1588
Episode Vanilla Valley
Level type Moves Levels
Rocket Charge Candy Rocket 20 candies
Moves Moves-30
Target score 1-star score: 80,000 pts
Anti order Red Candies: 100   Orange Candies: 80
Blockers Licorice Lock  Sachet  2-layered Icing  25-move Bomb
Other features Candy Rocket
Number of
candy colors
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
Number of spaces 65
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Ingredients Icon Moves Icon Candy Order Icon
Level 1587 Level 1588 Level 1589

Level 1588 (CCR) is the eighth level in Vanilla Valley (CCR) and the 130th moves level in Candy Crush Saga: Candies Revenge. To pass this level, you must score at least 80,000 points in 30 moves. When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.


  • There are always five red rockets and 4 orange rockets. Activating all of them costs 100 red candies and 80 orange candies, which is the same amount of anti-order. That means you can't activate them all before using all your moves.
  • There are 19 orange candies and 26 red candies at start. You may get some color bombs and leftmost rocket activated.
  • The bombs must be cleared in 25 moves. Rockets make them easier to reach.
  • The player is required to earn at least 2,480 points per move.[1]


One-Star: 80,000 points

Two Stars: 100,000 points

All-Stars: 120,000 points


Board Info[]

CCR Level 1588 Notes
  • Orange line(s) show where the candies spawn.
  • Orange dot(s) show where the specific candy stays in the same layout or pattern without randomization of candy colors.

Elements Info

Element Spawn Notes
Elements Notes
  • The probability of red candies spawning is 1.5 times than usual.
  • The probability of orange candies spawning is 1.25 times than usual.

Miscellaneous Info[]

  1. 80,000 points / 30 moves = 2,466 points per move