Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Past Versions
Level 165 
165 CCSS
Episode Gingerbread Grove
Level Type Ingredients Levels
Ingredients Cherry: 5
Moves Moves-50
Target Score 1-star score: 80.000 pts
Blockers Marmalade  Chocolate  Licorice Swirl  2-layered Icing  3-layered Icing
4-layered Icing  Chocolate Spawner  Locked Chocolate  10-move Bomb
Other features Candy Cannon Candy Cannon Candy Cannon
Number of
candy colors
Orange Green Blue Purple
Number of spaces 67
Difficulty Variable
Previous Current Next
Jelly Icon Ingredients Icon Jelly Icon
Level 164 Level 165 Level 166

 Level 165 is the last level in Gingerbread Grove and 32nd ingredient level. To pass this level you must collect 5 cherries in 50 moves or fewer.


  • This level's difficulty varies enormously. It entirely depends on where all the ingredient spawns. If it spawns in the 4-6 column, this level will be easier. If the ingredients spawns in either end column, it is very hard; you must switch it laterally four times.
  • You need to bring down five ingredients.
  • The icings blocks the bottom.
  • However, the presence of four colors makes easier to switch ingredients.


One-Star: 80.000 points

Two Stars: 150.000 points

All-Stars: 200.000 points


Element Spawn Notes
Elements Notes
  • If there are fewer than 1 ingredients on the screen, then the board spawns up to 1 ingredient when possible.
  • The maximum number of ingredients on the board is 1.
Candy Bomb Green
  • If there are fewer than 2 candy bombs on screen, then the board spawns up to 2 when possible.
Striped2 (trans)
  • If there are fewer than 2 striped candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 2 when possible.
Wrapped blue
  • If there are fewer than 2 wrapped candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 2 when possible.


  • This level idea was come from Courtemanche437, a user who joined this level in my "Ingredients levels LDC".

Code for APK Editor

{"gameModeName":"Drop down", "ingredients":[0,5], "numIngredientsOnScreen":1, "ingredientSpawnDensity":0, "maxNumIngredientsOnScreen":1, "chameleonCandyMax":0,"chameleonCandySpawn":0, "licoriceMax":0,"licoriceSpawn":0, "luckyCandyMax":0,"luckyCandySpawn":0, "mulockCandyMax":0,"mulockCandySpawn":0, "mysteryCandyMax":0,"mysteryCandySpawn":0, "pepperCandyExplosionTurns":10,"pepperCandyMax":2,"pepperCandySpawn":0, "stripedCandyMax":1,"stripedCandySpawn":0, "wrappedCandyMax":1,"wrappedCandySpawn":0, "timeCandyMax":0,"timeCandySpawn":0, "moveLimit":50, "numberOfColours":4, "frogStomachSize":0, "scoreTargets":[80000,150000,200000], "portals":[], "gates":[], "episodeId":0, "levelId":0, "protocolVersion":"0.3", "randomSeed":0, "tileMap":[ ["002005026028","002005026028","002005026028","002005026028","002005026028048","002005026028","002005026028","002005026028","002005026028"], ["006009","006009","006009","002","002","002","006009","006009","006009"], ["006009","006008009","006009","002","002","002","006009","006008009","006009"], ["006008009","006009","006009","002","002","002","006009","006009","006008009"], ["000","000","000","006020","006024","006020","000","000","000"], ["000","006020","006020","006020","006020","006020","006020","006020","000"], ["005017026071","000","006021","025047","006021","025047","006021","000","005017026071"], ["017","005017026072","000","006022","006022","006022","000","005017026072","017"], ["017","017","005017026029","000","006010022","000","005017026029","017","017"] ]}
