Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Past Versions
Level 297 
297 CCSS
Episode Chewy Clouds
Level Type Candy Order Levels
Orders Candy Bomb: 16   Color Bomb + Color Bomb Combination: 1
Chocolate: 10
Moves Moves-52
Target Score 1-star score: 15.000 pts
Blockers Marmalade  Chocolate Spawner  Cake Bomb  9-move Bomb
Other features Color Bomb  Chameleon Candy  Candy Cannon  Candy Cannon
Number of
candy colors
Red Yellow Blue Orange Purple
Number of spaces 69
Difficulty Hard
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Jelly Icon Candy Order Icon Ingredients Icon
Level 296 Level 297 Level 298

 Level 297 is the 12th level in Chewy Clouds and 62nd candy order level. To pass this level you must collect 16 candy bombs, 10 chocolate squares and 1 color bomb + color bomb combination in 52 moves or fewer.


  • Both cake bombs need to be cleared to collect the orders.
  • Like in almost any level, doing the double color bomb combination is hard. However, you are provided with one color bomb in marmalade to make this combo slighty easier.
  • The player has a maximum of 40 moves to destroy the rightmost cake, to allow the chocolate spawners to spawn enough chocolates to complete the order.


  • Try to create the color bomb + color bomb combination before destroying the cakes.
  • Destroy the right cake in a maximum of 40 moves, but destroying earlier, better!


One-Star: 15.000 points

Two Stars: 57.000 points

All-Stars: 100.000 points

Elements Info

Element Spawn Notes
Elements Notes
Candy Bomb Green
  • If there are fewer than 8 candy bombs on screen, then the board spawns up to 8 when possible.
Chameleon Candies (2)
  • Spawn 1 every 1 move.
  • If there are fewer than 2 chameleon candy(ies) on screen, then the board spawns up to 2 when possible.

APK Editor code

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