Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Past Versions
Level 367 
367 CCSS
Episode Icing Islands
Level Type Candy Order Levels
Orders Red Candy: 1   Yellow Candy: 1
Purple Candy: 1
Moves Moves-30
Target Score 1-star score: 3.000 pts
Blockers Licorice Lock  3-layered Icing  Locked Chocolate  Locked Licorice Swirl  9-move Bomb
Other features Striped Candy
Number of
candy colors
3 to 6
(Red CCJSYellow CCJSPurple CCJS)Orange CCJSGreen CCJSBlue CCJS
Number of spaces 52
Difficulty Hard
Previous Current Next
Jelly Icon Candy Order Icon Candy Order Icon
Level 366 Level 367 Level 368

 Level 367 is the 7th level in Icing Islands and the 79th candy order level in Candy Crush Sugar Saga. To pass this level you must collect 1 purple candy, 1 yellow candy and 1 red candy in 30 moves or fewer.


  • All required candies are already on screen, but they are protected by a wall of locked licorice swirls and by a load of blockers.
  • The blockers fill the bottom of the board, which is a significant hindrance to the player. The chocolate is hazardous.
  • The candy bomb has only 9 moves!
  • The striped candy is aligned to target the required candies, but there are a bunch of blockers protecting it. Not to mention the locked licorice swirls above them, which will block your effect, thus, making this level harder to beat, if the striped candy is activated early.
  • Three candy colors ease the creation of special candies.


  • Start breaking the 3-layered icing to gain spaces.
  • Break the locked chocolate with liability.
  • Use the provided striped candy when no more licorice are above them.


One-Star: 3.000 points

Two Stars: 30.000 points

All-Stars: 75.000 points


  • This is the first level with all three required candy colors that do not respawn already on the board.

APK Editor Code[]

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