Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Past Versions
Level 814 
814 CCSS
Episode Onion Orchestra
Level Type Chocolate levels
Chocolate Chocolate  Dark Chocolate
Moves Moves-36
Target Score 1-star score: 10.001 pts
Blockers Chocolate  Dark Chocolate  2-layered Icing  3-layered Icing  2-layered Waffle
9-move Bomb
Number of
candy colors
Red CCJSOrange CCJSYellow CCJSGreen CCJSBlue CCJSPurple CCJS
Number of spaces 81
Difficulty Somewhat Hard
Previous Current Next
Jelly Icon Chocolate levels Jelly Icon
Level 813 Level 814 Level 815

Level 814 is the 4th level in Onion Orchestra and the 96th chocolate level in Candy Crush Sugar Saga. To pass this level you must crush all the chocolate in 36 moves or less.


  • Two kinds of chocolate will grow and multiple quickly if you are slow.
  • Like the previous level, candy bombs spawn every few moves.


  • Clear chocolate on every single move.
  • Defuse the candy bombs when it spawns.


One-Star: 10.001 points

Two Stars: 10.002 points

All-Stars: 10.003 points


Element Spawn Notes
Elements Notes
Candy Bomb Green
  • Spawn 1 every 5 moves.


  • This is the first chocolate level where dark chocolate is required and the first level in which regular chocolate and dark chocolate coexist in the same level.

APK Editor Code[]

{"gameModeName":"Classic moves", "scoreTargets":[10001,10002,10003], "chameleonCandyMax":0,"chameleonCandySpawn":0, "extraMovesMin":0,"extraMovesSpawn":0, "fallingIcingMax":0,"fallingIcingSpawn":0, "licoriceMax":0,"licoriceSpawn":0, "luckyCandyMax":0,"luckyCandySpawn":0, "mulockCandyMax":0,"mulockCandySpawn":0, "mysteryCandyMax":0,"mysteryCandySpawn":0, "pepperCandyExplosionTurns":9,"pepperCandyMax":0,"pepperCandySpawn":4, "stripedCandyMax":0,"stripedCandySpawn":0, "stripedRowCandyMax":0,"stripedRowCandySpawn":0, "stripedColumnCandyMax":0,"stripedColumnCandySpawn":0, "wrappedCandyMax":0,"wrappedCandySpawn":0, "moveLimit":36, "numberOfColours":6, "colorWeightAdjustments":[], "frogStomachSize":0, "portals":[], "gates":[], "episodeId":0, "levelId":0, "name":"Sugar_Saga_55_4", "protocolVersion":"0.3", "randomSeed":0, "tileMap":[ ["002005","002005","002005","002005","005080","002005","002005","002005","002005"], ["002","002","002","002","080","002","002","002","002"], ["002","002","002","002","080","002","002","002","002"], ["002","002","002","002","080","002","002","002","002"], ["002","002","002","002","080","002","002","002","002"], ["002","002","002","002","080","002","002","002","002"], ["020","020","021","002","080","002","021","020","020"], ["009","009","020","002","080","002","020","094","094"], ["009","009","020","002","080","002","020","094","094"] ]}
