Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
(Clerify that IPv6 case won't go mainspace)
No edit summary
Line 5: Line 5:
Level [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the level title.>
^Level [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the level title.>
World [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the world title.>
World [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the world title.>

Latest revision as of 14:23, 25 April 2018

# This is a title blacklist. Titles and users that match a regular expression here cannot be created.
# Use "#" for comments.
# This is case insensitive by default

^Level [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the level title.>
World [0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=Please put your fanon name behind the world title.>

## don't put number 0 on first letter of the level article name ##
Level 0{1,}[0-9]{1,} <errmsg=Don't make level article starting with number 0.>

## prevent from creating level/episode/world article starting with letters ##
Level [a-z]{1,} <errmsg=Don't make level article starting with letters>
Episode [a-z]{1,} <errmsg=Don't make episode article starting with letters>
World [a-z]{1,} <errmsg=Don't make world article starting with letters>

## prevent to create user page of anonymous(IP address) users - IPv4 case ##
[12]?[0-9]{1,2}\.[12]?[0-9]{1,2}\.[12]?[0-9]{1,2}\.[12]?[0-9]{1,2}\/?[0-9]{1,2}?$ <errmsg=This community prohibits creating IP users' user page as it doesn't allow anonymous users' editing.>

## prevent to create user page of anonymous(IP address) users - IPv6 case ##
2[0-9ABCDEF]{3}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}:[0-9ABCDEF]{1,4}\/?[0-9]{1,2}?$ <errmsg=This community prohibits creating IP users' user page as it doesn't allow anonymous users' editing.>

^[0-9]{1,}$ <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
TROLL <casesensitive|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
clust[ae](f|rf) <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
Roman [][a-z]{1,}$ <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.> # Except Roman Town, HM100's Super Saga episode
DoCheon[0-9]{1,} <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.
Ba(rt|t)h?urst[][0-9]{1,} <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
in(f|def)inite$ <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
^[RŔŖŘȐȒƦʳʴʵʶṘṚṜṞЯ®ґЃrمŕŗřṛṝгΓ]{1,3}[óòôöõǒōŏǫőøόδοσоʘǿọ]{1,3}[S$ŚŜŞŠṢΣЅz5]{1,3}[ÉÈËEĘĚĔĖẺẸẾỀỄễỂểȨȩḜḝĒḖḗȄȅȆȇỆệḘḙḚḛ3eعڠeēėèéëẽĕęəẻếềẹ]{1,3}[T₮ŢŤṬΤТЋҬtţťṭτтŧ]{1,3}[uUÚÙÛÜŨŮǓŪǖǘǚǜŬŲŰ][RŔŖŘȐȒƦʳʴʵʶṘṚṜṞЯ®ґЃrمŕŗřṛṝгΓ]{1,3}[N₦ŃÑŅŇṆΝnńņňʼnŋṅṇṉṋᾐᾑᾒᾓᾔᾕᾖᾗῂῃῄῆῇ]{1,3}[ÌÍÎÏĨļǏĪĬİḷŀΙЇɨ!łľıĮįīìíîïĩĭįıǀḭḯỉịἲἳἴἵἶἷy]{1,}[PƤṔṖǷ₧ÞþΡρРр]{1,3} <noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
^HM[0-9]{1,} <autoconfirmed|noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
^Jacob56 <autoconfirmed|noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>
^Flockky <autoconfirmed|noedit|errmsg=The following word cannot be on the title because this word is considered as spam before.>

## user pages ##
^User:TR(O|-|\+)LL[0-9]{1,4}$ <errmsg=The following user page cannot be created by non-administrator users as considered spammer/vandal.>
^User:Cluster[ae](f|rf)[0-9]{1,}$ <errmsg=The following user page cannot be created by non-administrator users as considered spammer/vandal.>

## inappropriate words ##
bi?tch <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
\bcum\b <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
cunt <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
fag(bag|tard) <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
fagg[aeiou]t <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
fc?[uùúûüūůűų]?c?k <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
nigg(a|er|let) <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
penis <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
shit <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>
whore <errmsg=You are ''most probably'' creating a page with inappropriate word on this community. If there's an error, please contact the administrators.>

#[a-z] <autoconfirmed>